ELC Entrepreneur Highlight: Troy Taylor

ELC Member Troy Taylor is the Founding Partner of ZuCot Gallery LLC

Publications/News & Insights/Blog/ELC Entrepreneur Highlight: Troy Taylor

ELC Member Troy Taylor is the Founding Partner of ZuCot Gallery, the largest African-American Fine Arts Gallery in the Southeast US.

Q: Why did you make the leap into entrepreneurship?

A: My Corporate Division was up for sale so I decided now was the time to go out on my own

Q: How did you get the idea or concept for your business?

A: I began collecting art in high school after a summer job in the industry and continued through my global corporate travels. When an opportunity to purchase some commercial real estate and turn it into an art gallery was presented to me by an Art Dealer and my Accountant, I took the jump.

Q: What was your biggest mistake/failure and how did you navigate through it?

A: Opening an Art Gallery in the middle of the 2008 economic recession… Thinking that I could do it all by myself. You have to quickly gain allies, partners, and sponsors in order to survive especially in the early days .

Q: To what or whom do you attribute your success?

A: The ability to stay focused and not constantly second guess yourself. Drive for results not just activities. Seek out folks who were much more knowledgeable about the industry than I was.

Q: What has entrepreneurship taught you?

A: Unlike Corporate life, at the end of the week you don’t get paid unless you actually sell something!

Q: Any tips for new business owners or struggling business owners?

A: Follow your passion, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and keep your hustle game strong!

The ELC Entrepreneur series highlights ELC Members who have been successful in starting businesses. Their stories will provide insights on what went into their decision and how they navigated some of their toughest obstacles. They will also provide tips for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make the leap.

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