It’s In the Bag: Black Consumers’ Path to Purchase

African Americans’ influence on mainstream culture is clear. Fifty-four percent of African Americans are 34 years old or younger, meaning the majority of blacks have grown up in the digital age, and these powerful consumers have naturally incorporated their tech-affinity into their entire shopping journey.

Publications/News & Insights/Blog/It’s In the Bag: Black Consumers’ Path to Purchase

The consumer journey, or path to purchase, finds a logical end at the purchase point. But where does the journey begin? Unlike in times past, the start was pretty easy to pinpoint. While it starts where consumers learn about products, the ways in which we learn about products are far more varied, ranging from advertising, the recommendations of friends, family and online communities, as well as our own research.

For Black consumers, who command $1.3 trillion in annual buying power, much of that product discovery takes place on mobile devices. That doesn’t mean, however, that they tune out traditional channels. After all, Black consumers love all forms of media, and they spend more time than the total population with media on traditional platforms like TV and radio. The key to engaging with Black consumers is reaching them as they research and discover the products they need.

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Black Consumers’ Path to Purchase


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Black Consumers’ Path to Purchase


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