The Executive Leadership Council Statement on Racial Injustice and Disparities Facing the Black Community

The Executive Leadership Council issues the following statement in response to recent events fatally impacting the Black community.

Publications/News & Insights/Press Release/The Executive Leadership Council Statement on Racial Injustice and Disparities Facing the Black Community

WASHINGTON, DC (June 1, 2020) – The Executive Leadership Council issues the following statement in response to recent events fatally impacting the Black community.

Racism, in any form, is unacceptable to The Executive Leadership Council (ELC.)

The ELC unequivocally denounces all criminal and racist acts of violence against our people. George Floyd is senselessly murdered by four white Minnesota police officers. Breonna Taylor is senselessly murdered in her own home at the hands of a white police officer. Ahmaud Arbery is senselessly murdered while jogging by three white men. Christian Cooper’s life may have ended had the response to a white woman’s false accusation to police gone differently. They join a long list of Black men, women, and children who have been the victims of murder, the common denominator indisputably being that they are Black. We are becoming an endangered species, often murdered by privileged white assailants, many of them the same people who took an oath to protect and serve us.

The pandemic of racism has been left unchecked and unaddressed for centuries. It is incomprehensible that at this time, the Black community is also facing the global COVID-19 pandemic. We are dying and suffering in disproportionate measures to the majority population.

We are struggling to harness our anger, outrage, fear, and pain for our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons, and daughters. To call these intentional acts a travesty is an understatement. It does not say enough about the inherent problem we have in this country in denying that Black lives matter. Our ability to exist does not depend on pedigree. The plight of the Black man, and as such, the Black family, is steeped in the waters of disrespect, disdain, and dishonor.

The ELC will be an ally to corporations and our partner organizations in navigating this critical time. We continue to illuminate the pandemic of racism as a business concern in its own right. As such, corporations should take ownership in stopping anti-Black sentiment and actions, both overt and covert, just as they would any other corporate social responsibility issue. We cannot combat these issues alone. Theirs is also an imperative voice of leadership and accountability that must be heard. We commend our partners and member companies who are demonstrating courageous leadership by taking a stand and speaking out on the heinous acts and disparities driven by racism against Black people.

The ELC’s mission is to create a pipeline to increase the number of Black executives in the C-suite and on corporate boards, and to increase Black Excellence in our community. The vision is much simpler: to see Black people treated as equals. It is incomprehensible that in 2020 we are still focusing on our basic right to live. We are unapologetic about the change that must occur and embrace the ability to use our voice and power to effect this change. We stand ready to support our member companies and the business community in making this necessary change.

About The Executive Leadership Council
The Executive Leadership Council is the preeminent membership organization committed to increasing the number of global Black executives in C-Suites, on corporate boards and in global enterprises. Our purpose is to open channels of opportunity for the development of Black executives to positively impact business and our communities. (


Libi Rice

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