Embarking Upon Our Journey from “Good To Great”

Publications/News & Insights/Blog/Embarking Upon Our Journey from “Good To Great”

Carla Harris – Chair, Executive Leadership Council Board

Michael Hyter – Chair, Executive Leadership Foundation Board

It’s a new day for The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) and our related entities, the Executive Leadership Foundation (ELF) and the Institute for Research and Development (Institute). We’re excited to launch our new brand, which is a visual representation of who we are and how we’re growing and evolving to meet the needs of global black executives. Our new logos are fresh and eye-catching, but also represent the growth and vitality demonstrated by our members. Our new website is a tool that all of our audiences can use to learn about who we are and what we do, and as a resource about issues impacting black executives.

While we’re energized by our new look, the most important factor is what is at the root of this change. Last year, the ELC made a commitment to take our organization from “good to great.” Our brand refresh is only one example of how we are gaining momentum. Through our various programs and initiatives, we are changing the game and transforming global enterprises into models of inclusive leadership. We are steadily working to increase diversity at the executive level. Our commitment to developing the next generation of global black executive leaders is demonstrated through our Institute leadership development programming, which is specifically targeted towards high performers in this demographic. Our initiative to add 500 black leaders to the C-Suite and 200 to corporate boards is gaining traction. We have experienced wins in both areas and are happy to say that ELC has been a catalyst for that change.

The ELC is thinking globally and devising strategies to create global impact. We are well on our way to creating a new “power elite” while offering a greater value proposition for all of our stakeholders. We have ambitious goals, but are confident in our ability to not only achieve them, but to make a sizable impact along the way. We invite you to take a look at our website and come along with us on this virtual journey to build a pipeline for up and coming black leaders and become the global leader on issues pertaining to blacks in corporate America.

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